Taking care of the most important people in your life when you are no longer here





You have worked hard for your wealth. You have sacrificed so many things to get where you are today, and quite likely at time operated on autopilot in your quest for success. You have given it your all plus more.

Right now, the last thing you want to happen is that all your hard work comes undone, all the long hours, the grind, the tears and the triumphs.

This could happen though if you do not have the appropriate documentation in place to prepare for when you are no longer here.

So I encourage you to think about one question….


This book has been written for you, for those of you who love and care for your family and loved ones and want to provide for them when something happens to you, whether you become incapacitated or if you die.

It’s written to help you understand the important concepts of an Estate Plan, and to provide you with the tools to identify what you want to implement so that you can articulate your wishes clearly and concisely to those who can assist you in creating your legacy and putting your Estate Plan in place.

Over the course of my extensive career as a estate planning lawyer I found myself having the same similar discussions with clients.

They wanted guidance on how to choose an executor for their Will, who the best person to be their children’s guardian is, how to make provision for their business and trust assets, blended families and how to make provision for a disabled child or a child who cannot control their inheritance due to addiction or other issues.

This book is intended to provide instant guidance to you on the most commonly asked questions when putting your Legacy and Estate Plan in place.

We all have the opportunity to create an amazing legacy, to make a difference and leave the world a better place. It’s up to each of us individually if we wish to do so.

Follow my Legacy journey on Instagram below.